HELICON METAL FESTIVAL V - blind bird ticket

IMPORTANT ❗️ We do not send tickets to your postal address. After placing your order, you will receive an email confirmation along with your order number (for ex. "#ABCD-123456"). NO OTHER TICKETS attached!!! Show this number and your name (or the email confirmation) to check at the entrance on the day of the concert and then get your physical ticket.
WAŻNE ❗️ Nie wysyłamy biletów na adres pocztowy. Po złożeniu zamówienia otrzymasz email z potwierdzeniem oraz numerem zamówienia (np. "#ABCD-123456"). NIE BĘDZIE ŻADNEGO INNEGO BILETU w załączeniu!!! Wystarczy, że na wejściu w dniu koncertu okażesz ten numer i podasz swoje nazwisko (lub email z potwierdzeniem), a otrzymasz fizyczny bilet.
Come and join other die-hard traditional heavy metal maniacs from all around the world. Here's the 5th edition of the truest of the true underground traditional heavy metal festival in Poland!
For previous editions we brought you masters like Visigoth, Glacier, Megaton Sword, Trojan, Atlantean Kodex, Smoulder, Sacred Steel and many others. This time it will be just as epic as before if not more so.
⚔️ 21-22.03.2025
⚔️ Odessa Club / Warsaw / Poland